00:23 h. jueves, 09 de mayo de 2024


YouPorn ya funciona con HTML5

Agencias  |  21 de mayo de 2010 (21:16 h.)
YouPorn.com, ha empezado a convertir el formato de sus vídeos para que funcionen en cualquier dispositivo compatible con html5, por lo que se podra ver en el iPad de Apple

Like most other video distributors out there, the adult video industry has pretty much standardized on Adobe Flash for delivery of its web videos. But since the iPad doesn’t support Flash, and since Apple has a no-porn policy when it comes to apps, that has left many of the largest adult sites on the web inaccessible to iPad users. Whether that was Steve Jobs’ intent is not clear, but up until recently it has been an effective way to control the type of content that users could watch on the iPad.

That could be changing soon, as more porn sites turn to HTML5 videos encoded in H.264 to reach the growing audience of iPad users. YouPorn.com became one of the first major adult video sites to launch an iPad-friendly version that has many of the same features as its PC version. But while videos are sortable by “top rated” or “most watched,” just as through the PC version of the site, the iPad version of YouPorn lacks browsing by category, although the search function seems to work just fine.

Source: ipad is for porn

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